
Welcome to PatientMD AI platform

Join our beta phase for skin cancer detection using lesion images.

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It's growing!

78,870 new melanomas!

In 2015, about 78,870 new melanomas will be diagnosed (about 42,670 in men and 31,200 in women).

Do you have it?

One in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the time they are 70.

In 2015, about 78,870 new melanomas will be diagnosed (about 42,670 in men and 31,200 in women).

No Protection is enough

Every hour one person dies of melanomas.
According to an UK study, about 80 percent of melanomas can be attributed to ultraviolet radiation exposure from sun.

In 2015, about 78,870 new melanomas will be diagnosed (about 42,670 in men and 31,200 in women).

Earlier the better!

The five-year survial rate for melanomas detected in its earliest states is around 97 percent.

The survial rate for skin cancel falls to 20 percent when it is not diagnosed in time and has metastasized to distant.

About AI

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence or AI for an acronym, technically means making a computer eligible to make informed decisions about a problem which are sometimes beyond processing capabilities of a normal person or in most cases too time taking to make relevant impact.

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Step guidance

How it works!

Get started in 5 easy steps.

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Login/ sign up

Login with PatientMD account or create a new one.

Upload images

Click on UPLOAD IMAGES tab on top.

Fill up the form

Fill up the form with the details and select the images you want to be tested.


Click on SUBMIT button to submit the form.

How we take it further!

How the algorithm works!


Your images are preprocessed by our machine learning algorithm.


After which they are added to the existing repository of images which trains the algorithm.


The algorithm accuracy is then tested against an existing set of test images.


Our algorithm then tests each of the images, uploaded by you.


The prediction for each of them gets mailed to your provided email id.

Our vision

At PatientMD we aim to provide the highest possible accurate prediction for images uploaded, specifically either benign or malignant.

We at PatientMD take your health concerns very seriously. That is why we strive to make our platform a complete healthcare solution. We encourage you to try our beta phase and experience the AI revolution.