Four Simple Ways to A Healthy Brain You Probably Never Tried

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An impeccable memory is dependent on several factors including the vitality and health of your brain. If you happen to be an elderly person who needs to sustain and improve the grey matter as you are to age, a corporate executive desirous of remaining mentally sharp, or a student appearing for the final examinations, there is an entire gamut of activities that you can practice for boosting your memory as well as mental efficiency.

There is an age-old adage that says you cannot teach an old dog new tricks! However, scientists have proved that it simply does not hold good for the human brain. Nature has designed your brain in such a fashion that it can adapt and change in spite of being old and this very ability is known as neuroplasticity. The brain can create new neural networks, change its present pathways, and transform and respond in ever-evolving manners with the appropriate kinds of stimulations.

The astounding ability of your brain to reorient itself is applicable for cognitive tasks like memory and learning. You can leverage the natural potential of your neuroplasticity for boosting your memory irrespective of how young or old you may are, improving the ability for inculcating new information, and making your cognitive functions more efficient.

Here are the most significant tips that can help you keep your brain healthy and reduce the likelihood of brain disorders throughout your lifetime.

Engage in physical exercise on a periodic basis

Present studies indicate that physical exercise helps your brain create neurons, that is, new brain cells. Exercising regularly is likely to delay brain shrinkage caused by aging and sustain your cognitive acumen that is expected to diminish as you are to become old. Studies confirm that engaging in periodic physical activities aids in accelerating the development of new neurons.

Exercising can not only help prevent certain types of dementia and strokes but can also assist in reducing your blood pressure. Hypertension or high blood pressure causes damage to your brain arteries, which, in turn, could result in cerebral stroke, dementia, poor memory and understanding as you are to get older.

You are not expected to run like a marathoner! Simply go for a walk every day to have a better and healthier brain.

Never forget to perform the mental exercises regularly

If you genuinely wish to stay focused, start working on using your brain from today and make sure that you never cease. The recent studies substantiate that if you continue to exercise your brain as you are to grow old, it would help in offsetting the loss of mental prowess caused by the natural aging process. You would be able to preserve the connections inside your brain cells and you may even grow new cells simply by ensuring that your brain stays fit.

Here are the key guidelines provided by the Alzheimer’s Foundation.

  • Remain inquisitive and involved
  • Stay curious and involved
  • Read, write, do crosswords or other kinds of puzzles
  • Participate in conferences and plays
  • Garden
  • Play games
  • Work out memory tasks
  • Take up courses at the neighborhood community college, AEC or adult education center, or other community organizations

Consume a balanced diet

A healthy diet can not only ensure a healthy brain but can aid your heart as well. Make a point to have enough colorful vegetables and fruits, salmon and other cold-water fishes, and whole grains.

Eat plant-derived healthy PUFAs or polyunsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and refrain from ingesting saturated fats that are obtained from foods like cheese and the like.

Remember to include the following brain-healthy foods in your diet.

  • Wild salmon
  • Blueberries
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans
  • Avocados
  • Citrus fruits
  • Dark chocolate
  • Colorful vegetables

Start socializing today

Humans are meant to be social and this is equally true for the natural introverts as well. New friends and new experiences and old pals offer more than just adding up to your life.

Contemporary research suggests that being active in the social circle helps decrease the odds of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. There is a growing number of evidence that maintaining active social relationships assist in strengthening neural connections.

Here are a few things that you could do to reclaim your social life if not already.

  • Volunteer for a cause
  • Become a member of a book club, hobby group, or a service club
  • Take out time regularly for catching up with friends

The Bottom Line

Brain health is something that everyone needs to take care of and be serious about. The good news is that building your way to a more active, superior, and increasingly efficient brain is surprisingly simple and you would be able to accomplish it simply by understanding and following the tips provided in today’s discussion.

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