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About Us

Mobile platform for Healthcare Most cost-efficient healthcare from their Doctors

PatientMD is a physician-led movement

A trusted partner in providing a mobile platform for Information sharing and Healthcare services.

PatientMD focuses on providing the digital tools that allow Patients to receive the most cost-efficient health and healthcare from their Doctors and healthcare-related business.

As a trusted partner, PatientMD provides a mobile platform giving Patients access and control of their clinical data which lays the foundation for transforming healthcare. With the use of Blockchain Technology, Genomics, Machine Learning AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Healthcare Tourism, PatientMD can further transform health and healthcare towards Personalised or Precision Medicine focused on you.

Our Mission

PatientMD's mission is to promote a state-of-the-art mobile and web platform globally to improve the health and healthcare of Patients world-wide via Information Sharing and providing a multitude of healthcare services in a cost-effective manner.

Our Vision

PatientMD's vision is focused on 3 objectives:

  • Transforming healthcare to a truly patient-centered and patient-empowered industry.
  • Providing a competitive marketplace to control the rising cost of healthcare.
  • Strengthening the Patient and Doctor relationship.

Why Choose Us

We provide patients and doctors the services they need to improve their health. For businesses, we provide the connectivity and marketing of services to their customers, patients and/or doctors.
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